Jailbreaking Help, Info, Tips, Guides, Tweaks & More


Dreamboard Guides








It is NOT recommended for use with lower devices, as Dreamboard uses a lot of memory and you will experience lag and Occasional Safemode. Use at Own Risk.

How and Where to Install:

  • DreamBoard Themes: go in /private/var/mobile/Library/DreamBoard/
  • WinterBoard Themes: are used for the UI, go in /private/var/stash/Themes/

When your adding themes to the Dreamboard folder, be sure your adding the right folder to it. Look at the Endroid folder for reference.

To Use:

1. Press the dreamboard icon on your homescreen

2. Wait for it to zoom out

3. Slide to the right or left to select themes

4. Tap on the the you would like to install

5. Wait for it to install

Configuring Endroid:

1. To set the weather,

  • Tap the little “i” button in the top right corner of the clock.
  • Enter your zip code and click set.
  • If you are international, your code can be found at weather.com

2. To log in to facebook, launch safari, go to touch.facebook.com, login, and respring.

3. The “+” button at the bottom right corner toggles animated weather.



Change Backboard Dock Icon to Phone

Save this image as Phone.png and place it in var/mobile/DreamBoard/Endroid/Images

Posted Image

SSH or use iFile and direct to /Var/Mobile/Library/DreamBoard/Endroid/Current.plist

Find the following in the code:


<dict><key>Actions</key> <array> <string>launch com.wynd.backboard-no-ui</string></array> <key>FrameHeight</key> <integer>38</integer> <key>FrameWidth</key> <integer>150</integer> <key>FrameX</key> <integer>84</integer> <key>FrameY</key> <integer>441</integer> <key>Image</key> <string>/DreamBoard/Endroid/Images/Apps/BackBoard.png</string> <key>ViewType</key> <string>Button</string> </dict>

And Change This:


<key>Actions</key><array> <string>launch com.wynd.dreamboard</string></array>

To This:


<key>Actions</key><array> <string>launch com.apple.mobilephone</string></array>

Then Change This:


<key>Image</key> <string>/DreamBoard/Endroid/Images/Apps/DreamBoard.png</string>

To This:


<key>Image</key> <string>/DreamBoard/Endroid/Images/Apps/Phone.png</string>


How to Hide Unwanted Apps

Heres the needed files.

Hidden Plist or Alternative

Once downloaded SSH or any other method… to the following directory /Var/Mobile/LibraryLibHideThere should be a file named “hidden.plist” rename the file to “hidden.plist-bk” or you can merge it into your original plist.Then take the downloaded file and paste in this directory respring, save in backboard and your done.Or you can blend the 2 together…but be sure to backup, just in case.For example. inside that .plist you will see a bunch of strings…. <string>com.apple.AdSheet</string> Just replace the red part with the proper Bundle ID. Which can be found in /Applications, then open the app you want to hide and find the Info.plist.


Why wont the HTC keyboard go away after input?

Apparently, there has been a lot of problems with this, and from what I put together, Its only been happening to people with the cracked versions of DreamBoard. I’m all for trying stuff out for free. But when it comes down to it, something like this deserves a donation. If you can swing it, I highly suggest it, plus you will always have the current version :)


How to change Fahrenheit to Celsius

Go into widgets folder

Open functions.js in HTC and LAW

Search for “fetchWeatherData” (no quotes)

2 lines under is a URL, change http://weather.yahoo…ecastrss?u=f&p= to http://weather.yahoo…ecastrss?u=c&p=



Change weather to Canadian Postal Code

Go to http://www.weather.com/ then in the search bar, type in your city.

Hit Find Weather, then in the address bar, you should get something like this: http://www.weather.c…Canada+CAXX0547

You would go in the Endroid theme in DreamBoard, hit the small i, then type in CAXX0547….then Set.



How to change Wallpapers via Settings

For those of you wanting to be able to set the wallpaper via the Settings app, I have a suggestion. First you’ll need this:

The converted JPG is found at


Wallpaper JPEGifier is on repo!

Once that is installed, create a symbolic link (iFile can do this) in the /var/mobile/Library/DreamBoard/Endroid/Images/ folder named BG.png and point it to /var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/HomeBackground.jpg. Now whenever you change the Homescreen wallpaper in Settings you should just need to respring and your theme will reflect the new wallpaper.I have personally tested this and it does work, however, I’m pretty sure you have to do this for every DreamBoard theme you have.


How to Change Apps Without Edit Mode

For this to work you need to go to your Current.plist on the theme/add-on your using. Find the BundleID (red) Thats what your going to be editing. You can replace it with another ID. SSH to /Applications, choose your app, open and find the Info.plist. and again look for the BundleID. Then replace in your Current.plist the BundleID of the App you want to replace.

<dict> <key>BundleID</key> <string>com.apple.mobilesafari</string>


How to Change Weather Keyboard

Ok now this will work for Endroid, HTC HD2 or any that have the small keyboard for setting the weather by pressing the iNow inside each DreamBoard folder theres a Widget folder. Inside that, for the themes that are compatible, theres a Weather Setting folder. Open the Widget.html with a text editor, and replace with the red portions below. Also inside that folder, the info.png is a transparent image, you can take the one from Endroid, to make it visible again

#kb{ position:absolute; top:10000px; left:7px; width:150px; font-family:Trebuchet MS; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; text-align:center; -webkit-transform:scale(0.95);} #box{ width:140px; height:25px; position:absolute; top:10000px; left:9px; font-family:Trebuchet MS; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; border: 3px black solid; background-color:white;}#set{ position:absolute; top:-39px; left:156px; background:url(set.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; width:98px; height:38px; padding-top:5px;


How to Add Pages

To add a page, just add 320 to ContentWidth # for every page you want. First you have to find the code. Depending on the theme it can be hard to find at times. This is what your looking for and this is what you need to change (red).




<key>ContentOffsetX</key> <integer>320</integer>









How To Add Caching to ANY Theme:

Go to any theme and open the Info.plistAdd this (red) in it save and re-apply the theme…you can also add a description to any theme by adding the the top portion.


<string>YOUR DESCRIPTION</string>

<key>IconCaching</key> <string>65,85</string>

<key>Plist</key> <string>YOUR THEME’S PLIST NAME</string>

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Also you will need to add a Cache folder to your theme, see Endroid that came with the new DreamBoard release for an example.And lastly, double check permissions, along with caching, new permissions must be set. Again in iFile go to Endroid and check the plists for permission changes and apply to your theme.


How To Add Badges:

If you added the beta repo and updated to DreamBoard, the new version now supports badges….and the Endroid theme has badge backgrounds….Copy those 2 files, easy to find in the Images folder, and add them to any Images folder of any theme.





Mods and Editing: Backup Your Files First!!

  • Always pay close attention to what your replacing so you dont f up anything. Can’t stress this enough.

Adding Backgrounds:

SSH and navigate to /DreamBoard/Aero/Images/Wallpaper
  •  Look for this section near the bottom of your Current.plist, its at the top of the Background list…For every background you need to add 320 to the red portion.




Now all you have to do is copy and paste the last Background add 320 (red) and name the other red portion to your wallpaper you added. If you want to have your wallpaper the default one, just swap out the FrameX with the top Background with FrameX





Setting Default Skins:

Now theres 4 different images for the skins, and they are spread out through the plist…


  1. OverlayPreview@2x.png |
  2. OverlayStart@2x.png | 
  3. OverlayTaskbar@2x.png |
  4. OverlayWindow@2x.png
  • Find the one you want by looking at the ID (ex) <key>id</key> <string>OverlayWindowSlate</string>

  • Now at the top of that same section, change this <key>Alpha</key> <real>0.0</real> to this <key>Alpha</key> <true/> 

  • Find the one with the <true/> at the top of whatever section your working on and put <real>0.0</real>
  •   Save and re-apply the theme to see the changes.

Weather/Clock Flip and Clock Mod:

If you want to flip flop the Clock and Weather Positions and or want this Clock Mod I put in here, you need to download these 2 files. The Clock goes into Aero’s Widget Folder…Now Open up your Current.plist, go almost all the way to the bottom until you see the lines in the plist I’m providing, and copy and paste it in there, save, re-spring or re-apply theme

Clock Plist Section

Attached Image: SB 2 Cloud - 2011-04-20 23-45-56 EDT.png


Extra Taskbar Icons:

Posted Image Posted Image

This guide is copied from LINK  (If helpful please Donate)


The best places to find and download Dreamboard themes is

ModMyi and through many sources/repos in CYDIA

Dreamboard themes repo

Add this source to cydia – fnetdesigns.com/cydia/repo

Install – Theme Outlet Store


Download the DEB File here

Here are some dreamboard themes you can download

*Make sure you check the files after download. Some theme files have internal folders and instructions. Failure to do so will result in Black Screens*


Oringinal post and info

iPrintHD v1.2

lAttached Image: Preview.png


lAttached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.png

Endroid-Evolution (JESSEMOD) HD

Attached Image: Preview.png

Endroid JesseMod WarluMenu

Attached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.PNG

Nexus Black: Live Walls

Attached Image: Preview.PNG

Apple Desk v2

Attached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.png

LG VU Beta

Attached Image: Preview.png

Rain 1.3

Attached Image: Preview.png


lAttached Image: Preview.png

Droid Board Lite

Attached Image: Preview.png


lAttached Image: Preview.png


Attached Image: Preview.png

Aero v1.1

Apple Desk Ultimatum

AppleWEB HD V2

Appleweb Hd V2 (.zip) Appleweb Hd V2 (.deb)

AppleWEB HD V2 “Black”

Link: [Dreamboard] AppleWEB HD V2 – SiNfuL iPhone


Link: [Dreamboard Arte] – SiNfuL iPhone

blackberry os 7.2

Link: [Dreamboard] blackberry os 7.2 – SiNfuL iPhone

Black Nexus

Link: Dreamboard Black Nexus – SiNfuL iPhone

Brush Meltal Ultimated HD

Link: [Dreamboard] Brush Meltal Ultimated HD – SiNfuL iPhone

Cityscape HD v1.1.2

Link: Cityscape HD v1.1.2 – SiNfuL iPhone

[Dreamboard] Classic Theme

Link:[Dreamboard] Classic Theme – SiNfuL iPhone


Link: [Dreamboard] Dream – SiNfuL iPhone

Droid Board

Link: [Dreamboard] Droid Board – SiNfuL iPhone

Dusk Xtreme LITE

Link: [Dreamboard] Dusk Xtreme LITE – SiNfuL iPhone


Link: http://www.sinfuliphone.com/showthread.php?t=90236

ErgoHD v1.2.1

Link: [Dreamboard] ErgoHD v1.2.1 – SiNfuL iPhone

Galaxy S II

Link: [Dreamboard] Galaxy S II – SiNfuL iPhone

Gyro HD

Link: [Dreamboard] Gyro HD – SiNfuL iPhone

HTC Droid Incredible 2 “Incredible S”

HTC Diamond 2 v2.0

iSky HD

iDASH Xbox

IOS Lion


iXMB: Ps3 v1.0

Line phone

LiveOS v2.0


Microsoft Web OS

Omnimo 8e

(1)-Os7 & (2)-Os7 Ultimate

(You must download and install 1 & then 2)

Rain v1.3

R00t3d V2.1

SteampunK HD

Link: SteampunkHD – SiNfuL iPhone

SevenOS HD

Link: [Dreamboard] SevenOSHD – SiNfuL iPhone

Silent HD

Link: [Dreamboard] Silent HD – SiNfuL iPhone


Link: [Dreamboard] StreamOS – SiNfuL iPhone

Studio OS

Link: [Dreamboard] Studio OS – SiNfuL iPhone

The Grid

Link :[DreamBoard] The Grid – SiNfuL iPhone

Utopia HD

Link : [Dreamboard] Utopia HD – SiNfuL iPhone

Windows Metro 8 HD

Link :[Dreamboard]Windows Metro 8 HD – SiNfuL iPhone

Xperia x8 v2.0

Link: [Dreamboard] Xperia x8 v2.0 – SiNfuL iPhone

Zune HD + Hubs

Link:[DreamBoard] Zune HD + Hubs(UPDATE)-Beta 2 – SiNfuL iPhone

THANKS to Chris a Moderator from the insanelyi forum for the great Dreamboard guides, info, help & themes.

You can check out Original thread here – http://insanelyi.com/topic/2664-dreamboard-support/

Aero – Make your iPhone look like Windows Vista.

AppleCORE HD – An AppleWeb spinoff.

AppleWeb HD – Make your iPhone look like the Apple web site.

Asymmetric HD – A beautiful DreamBoard theme with advanced features.

BlackBerry OS 6.1 – Make your iPhone look like BlackBerry OS.

Boxor HD – An original and beautiful DreamBoard theme.

Ergo HD – The first ergonomic theme for DreamBoard.

Gyro HD – A uber-popular panel style theme.

HoneyPad – Make your iPad look like an Android Tablet.

iNav HD – Puts the focus on navigation.

Indepth HD – A blue collar DreamBoard theme.

N6 HD – Features an awesome spinning cube.

Simplicity OS – A simple theme without too much fanfare.

Utopia HD – Features an eccentric style and tons of options.
